Press Release: For Immediate Release
April 16, 2020
Closing Facilities & Programs
Due to the extension of Governor Little’s stay at home order the Jerome Recreation Center & all programs will remain closed through April 30, 2020. As we approach the 30th we hope to see what state and federal guidelines are released that will aid us in determining if/when we can open back up. This is a constantly evolving situation and we will update the public whenever possible about further delays or the reopening of services.
Should you have questions or need to speak to a staff member, please call (208) 324-3389 and select the appropriate extension or go to our webpage at to access email information for any staff member.
Memberships & Automatic Withdrawals & EFT’s
Memberships will automatically be extended for the number of days we have been closed.
If it doesn’t appear as though we will be able to open by May 1, 2020 then we will not process EFT’s in the month of May. We will update you as soon as we know more information. If you have questions, please call and speak to a staff member.
Other Affected Facilities
During Governor’s Stay At Home Order (Effective to April 30, 2020), JRD parks will remain open for passive use consistent with social distancing requirements.
The Jerome Recreation District will continue to deliver essential services to operate and maintain local JRD parks during the COVID-19 pandemic, though services will be managed to protect resident and employee health. This status is in effect through April 30, 2020 or until extended, rescinded, superseded or amended. As always, the health and safety of our community is our top priority.
All parks and pathways will be open from sunrise to sunset for passive use to allow the community to engage in self-directed outdoor exercise while following Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines, including 6-foot social distancing requirements.
Active uses involving facilities within parks are closed, including:
- Individual and group picnic areas
- Public restrooms
- Playgrounds, sport fields, athletic courts and other facilities that support active recreation and in particular, any activities that encourage group recreation.
- Organized recreation, education and volunteer outings
- Overall, when visiting parks, the community must adhere to CDC guidelines of social distancing and personal hygiene. Park users should bring their own water, as drinking fountains are not available, and leave no trash to help keep parks clean and to protect the community.
- Please just use good judgment! This is called self policing and we need the community to do their part. We will not be chasing people out of parks to enforce these rules and please do not call the police. They have more important things to do.
Other Program Announcements & Pool Season
We hope to gain a clearer picture from policy makers as to what restrictions on social distancing will mean going forward for recreational programs. We continue to plan for summer programs but we have little certainty at this point. We hope to be able to provide some clarity by May 1, 2020 and we will announce information as we get it.
Wellness Opportunities in the Interim
The Jerome Recreation District does encourage people to take your wellness seriously. We do recommend that you follow good community distancing practices. Wash your hands, cough into your elbow, avoid touching your face, and most importantly, if you are sick please stay home.
The JRD will also be posting daily workout options on our Facebook & Instagram accounts that can be done on your own at home or in the park. These will include recommended cardio and body weight exercises for various ages. It is important during these uncertain times that you look to maintain your wellness both physically and mentally.
If you have questions please contact us at 208-324-3389.
Gary Warr, Director
Jerome Recreation District